[SureM Korea – Introduction of Long Message and International Long Message Service ]

Hello, this is SureM.

Today, we would like to introduce our International Long Message service from South Korea to other countries and vice versa.

1) Korea Long Message Service (LMS) – the limit of message length is 2,000 bytes for ASCII and 1,000 characters for Korean language; allows URL inclusion in the message.

2) International Long Message Service (Concatenated SMS)

  • Integrates a few short messages into a long message to send to a mobile phone
  • Supports concatenated service to be proceeded in Korea

Please send us any inquiries at intlsales@surem.com.

Thank you! Have a great weekend!










SureM South Korea Sender ID Pre Registration

This is SureM
Today we would like to how to pre register South Korea Sender ID.

1. What is Sender ID pre-registration system means?
-> In order to prevent damage to users due to false phone numbers when sending text messages, it is necessary to be pre-registered so the Sender only can be used with authenticated calling numbers.

2. How to pre-register the Sender ID?
-> There are users who sends via website or server, and the registration method is available through the https://surebiz.surem.com site.

3. How to process the registration?
A. Mobile phone number of the representative’s name
– Authenticate with the mobile phone number in the representative’s own name
B. General telephone number of the company or the name of the representative
– Korea operator number certificate & business license
Contact the carrier you are using, receive [Communication Service User Certificate] and submit the copy to SureM
C. Telephone number of employees in the enterprise
– Communication service usage certificate & business license & employment certificate
D. Third party’s phone companies
1) Korea operator number certificate
2) Business license (client)
3) Certificate of employment (client employee)
4) Business license (call number holder)
5) Certificate of employment (employee of the calling number holder)
6) Power of attorney: Refer to the attached form. => The consignee is the customer company.
7) Proof of transaction between the two companies: Contracts (sensitive information and amount can be deleted)

For any further inquiries, please send to intlsales@surem.com

SureM International Messages – Sender ID Features

Hello, we are SureM!

Today, we would like to share information about Sender ID features when sending messages to other countries.

1) What is Sender ID?
-> It means a number or a name that will be used as the sender when sending message.

2) What are the features?
-> Some countries have specific features in order for the message to be succesfully delivered.
There are countries where you can use numbers or alphabet letters, and countries where the sender will be randomly sent.

China, United States, Canada : Sender ID will be automatically changed into a local number format
Australia, Philippines, Indonesia : Sender ID will be automatically changed to random alpha
United Kingdom, Singapore, Malaysia : You can send your own Sender ID, both numbers or alphabc letters is acceptable
Thailand : Sender ID will be consist of alphabet letters and is required to be pre-registered

If you have inquiries, please send us email at intlsales@surem.com.


SureM China Message Delivery Features


This is SureM Co., Ltd.

Thank you for continuously using our service.
Today we would like to share the features of messaging-to-China service.

Please be aware that China has more complex input conditions compared to other countries.

1. Header 【머리말】 has to be pre-registered
– Chinese characters + numeric OR english alphabets + numeric

2. Unable to fix the Sender ID
– Sender ID will be auto-set randomly in numeric format

3. Promotional / Financial Traffic
– Pre-inspection with Chinese Operator is mandatory
– Long message up to 350 characters will be inspected

4. Message Delivery
– Unable to send with “test” keyword in the message
– Unable to add a link of related App URL
– Only able to send in Chinese or English

For further inquiry, please send email to intlsales@surem.com or +821588-4640

Thank you











[Sent from Web] Title Service Introduction

This is SureM.
Thank you for using our service.

Today, we will learn about SureM’s Korea messaging [Web발신] or [Sent from Web] service.

To prevent text smishing or illegal text messages, messages are sent from domestic carriers (SK Telecom, KT, LG U+) and the [Web발신] title is automatically posted and displayed in the message content.
Please note that the title cannot be deleted due to customer request.

  1. Start from: July 21, 2014
  2. Service name: [Web발신] Service Title
  3. Content: Messages sent from Internet Message Service
  4. Applied services: SMS (short text), LMS (long text), MMS (multimedia message)

For inquires, please send an email to intlsales@surem.com or make a call to 1588-4640

Thank you.








