SureM International Messages – Sender ID Features

Hello, we are SureM!

Today, we would like to share information about Sender ID features when sending messages to other countries.

1) What is Sender ID?
-> It means a number or a name that will be used as the sender when sending message.

2) What are the features?
-> Some countries have specific features in order for the message to be succesfully delivered.
There are countries where you can use numbers or alphabet letters, and countries where the sender will be randomly sent.

China, United States, Canada : Sender ID will be automatically changed into a local number format
Australia, Philippines, Indonesia : Sender ID will be automatically changed to random alpha
United Kingdom, Singapore, Malaysia : You can send your own Sender ID, both numbers or alphabc letters is acceptable
Thailand : Sender ID will be consist of alphabet letters and is required to be pre-registered

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